Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Desde Ayotzinapa a Ferguson El Mismo Dolor.

Desde Ayotzinapa A Ferguson El Mismo Dolor

These last couple months, thousands have been taking to the streets in Mexico and across the United states to seek justice for 43 Mexican students who disappeared in Ayotzinapa. It is believed that the oppressive government, under the presidency of Pena Nieto, has ties to their disappearance.

Speaking as a woman who has roots in Mexico.

Who spent her summers in Guadalajara, exploring the rich culture and beauty the city has to offer

It hurts my heart to say it is a deeply corrupt nation.

A nation where money rules, and power is in the hands of the few.

Does this remind you of something?

Speaking as a woman who lives in the United States

Who spent her summers exploring TV shows and eating bags of chips

It hurts my heart deeply to be LIVING in a CORRUPT nation.

A nation where money rules. And power is in the hand of the few

 I am ashamed to be named after a country so ruthless.

I've been working on a poem these past few days, I think it's fitting to share it here...

It's about waking up from going through the motions. The trance of silence.  About choosing to be empathetic to other's pain. About growing sore but growing stronger. About the rays of hope behind these dark clouds.

May we anchor our hope for a better society in something deeper. May the God of peace and restoration be present in these tumultuous times.

Porque Ya Me Canse! From Ayotzinapa to Ferguson, the same pain. and I'm tired of it

Walking somber streets of the city
Walking sullen streets in the rain
Walking the seductive streets with this pity
 Walking the stuffed streets with this feign
Eyes hanging down like weights pulled to the ground
Makeup and cover up faces cover up
The lonely places
The silent spaces
The heart ached heart beats hard
Beats to the tasteless hum of motion
Of being awake but not awakened
The Heart ached heart breaks
Breaks when we remember
The sun behind the clouds of a city in raining
When heavy eyes are lifted
Muscles so long sedated
To grow is to grow sore

To break from the ache of the motion

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